Dizziness, Vertigo, and Imbalance Symptoms
Dizziness is the second most common complaint heard in doctors’ offices. Statistics reported by The National Institute of Health indicate that dizziness will occur in 90 million of the nation’s population at some time in their lives. Dizziness is the #1 complaint for individuals over age 70. Although very common, acute or chronic problems with equilibrium may limit a person’s everyday living.
Equilibrium disorders fall into two categories:
Dizziness, vertigo or motion intolerance: Acute or sharp attacks may last only seconds or sometimes for several hours. This condition may be caused or worsened by rapid head movements, turning too quickly, walking or riding.
Persistent sense of imbalance, unsteadiness or what some people refer to as loss of surefootedness. This may lead to a high risk of falling which can result in fractures or head trauma.
The good news is that diagnosis and treatment options have become more effective over the past 10 years. According to Johns Hopkins, 85% of all forms of dizziness and imbalance can be helped once a proper diagnosis is made. There is hope for many who once thought there might be no relief.