Build a Successful Dizziness & Balance Practice 
Let AIB help!

Fact 1

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dizziness is the #1 complaint of persons age 70 and older and #3 for all age groups, only preceded by backache and headache.

Fact 2

Fall risk and loss of independence are recognized as the #1 concern of older adults, the fastest-growing segment of the population.

Fact 3

90 million Americans yearly seek medical help for dizziness, vertigo, or falls.

Be the Solution!

Add a world-class neurodiagnostic vestibular lab to your practice without the burden and cost of equipment and staffing*

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Why AIB?

About us
The American Institute of Balance (AIB), is a global healthcare company based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Since 1992, AIB has provided the worldwide health community with the most current and scientifically robust clinical protocols and information through workshops, online education, corporate training programs, and practice development.

Let AIB’s more than 25-year history of success developing balance services for ENT physicians, audiologists, rehabilitation specialists, hospitals and health systems go to work for you! Contact us for a free analysis of your practice management needs and goals.

*qualifying practices only